Making your Argent Bank credit card payment or looking to login, view your statement or manage your account online? With this guide you can understand your account payment options – check just below. If you want to make your payment online, follow the link to the Argent Bank Credit Card login. If you are new customer interested in getting a credit card with Argent Bank, learn more about the options available with our independent guide. To make a payment online or manage your account, follow the link provided below on this page to the Argent Bank credit card login. You will also learn how to contact customer service and how to make your payment by phone and by mail.
Argent Bank Credit Card Payment
Argent Bank Credit Cards are issued by First Bankcard, a division of First National Bank of Omaha. For more information regarding your credit card account, check your billing statements or get in contact with customer services at 1-888-295-5540.
Pay Online: We recommend that you register for the online cardholder service with First Bankcard as soon as your account is open. With this service you can:
- Pay your bills
- View your cyclical statements
- Update personal information
- Request a credit limit increase
- Go paperless
- Establish account alerts
You can make single online payments whenever you need to, and these will generally be posted to your account on the same day if you arrange the payment before 5PM CT. Another option is to enroll in Autopay – this is good for ensuring timely payments. To make your Argent Bank credit card payment online click the “Pay Online” button below to login, register, view your bill or manage your account online.
Pay by Mail: The Argent Bank credit card payment address is: Bankcard Payment Processing, PO Box 2557, Omaha, NE 68103-2557. Please include your Argent Bank account number on your check. Your account number is located on your statement. To ensure your Argent Bank payment is received on time it is recommended that you mail your payment at least 5 business days prior to the due date shown on your monthly billing statement.
Pay by Phone: To make your payment by phone please contact the number listed in your monthly statement or contact customer service at 1-888-295-5540.
Argent Bank Credit Card Customer Service: The Argent Bank credit card customer service number is 1-888-295-5540.
Argent Bank Credit Card
If you browsing for a credit card with Argent Bank, then you may have come across the Argent Bank Maximum Rewards Visa Credit Card. Let’s examine this card and its terms and conditions.
This card offers rewards for your spending – 1 point per dollar – and though this is not as good as other credit card rewards programs, at least there is no annual fee to pay and there are plenty of rewards options available.
The exact type of card and interest rate you get will depend on your creditworthiness. If you have a strong credit profile you may qualify for the lowest interest rate on purchases and balance transfers – which is 13.99% — and the Visa Signature card version. The maximum available APR is 19.99%.
The Argent Bank Maximum Rewards Credit Card also comes with a penalty APR that may come into effect if you make a late payment or exceed your credit limit. Again you can secure a lower penalty rate with a stronger credit profile. The largest possible penalty APR is 29.99%. The Signature card version comes with no preset spending limit, and so in this case however there would be no limit to exceed. Late payments and returned payments also come with fees up to $35.
While the penalty program is something of a downside, this card does benefit you with low minimum monthly payments, and manageable monthly payments means less chance of missing them! The minimum bill payment is the greater of 2% of the new account balance, or $10.