Need to pay your Azusa Light & Water bill? Understand how to make a payment with this payment guide. Detailed information is provided on all available payment methods. To make a payment online or manage your account, follow the link provided below on this page to the Azusa Light & Water bill pay login. You will also find useful bill pay information such as the customer service number, payment mailing address, and billing phone number below.
How Do I Pay My Azusa Light & Water Bill?
You can pay your Azusa Light & Water bill online, by phone, by mail, and in person.
Pay Online: Azusa Light & Water Bill offers a secure online account service that you can use to pay your electric and water bills at no charge. With this service you can view your bills, establish email notifications for new bills, and go paperless. You can pay by savings transfer, electronic check, credit or debit card. Single payments are allowed, or you can establish an automatic payment schedule with a bank account. To make your City of Azusa Light & Water bill payment online click the “Login Here” button below to login, register, view your bill or manage your account online.
Automatic Payment Plan: You can pay your bills automatically with the E-Z Pay Automatic Direct Debit Payment Plan. Complete the online application and you will be enrolled into the plan within 30 days.
Pay By Phone: The Azusa Light & Water billing phone number is 626-812-5225. Azusa Light & Water offers an automated telephone payment system (Paymentus). For residential accounts there is a $3.25 fee. For commercial accounts there is a $3.75 fee (per $500 paid).
Pay By Mail: The Azusa Light & Water bill payment address is: Azusa Light & Water, PO Box 7030, Artesia, CA 90702-7030. Payments are processed Monday through Friday. Send a check or money order, and write your account number on the back. Do not send cash. Your account number is located on your bill. To ensure your Azusa Light & Water payment is received on time it is recommended that you mail your payment at least 5 business days prior to the due date shown on your bill.
Pay In Person: There are two drop boxes at the 729 N. Azusa Ave office – one located on the south side (driveway between AL&W and CVS) and one located on the north side.
Dispute Your Bill
You can dispute your bill with a letter in the post. In matters of dispute, your service will not be disconnected until after the Director of Utilities provides you with the outcome of the dispute. If the Director of Utilities does not reimburse, you can appeal to the Azusa Utility Board. Call (626) 812-5174.
There are a number of discounts available for qualifying customers, as well as Low Income Payment Assistance, rebate opportunities and exemptions. Visit the Azusa Light & Water website for more information.
Open or Close an Account
Open New Service: You can sign up for a new service with Azusa Light & Water in three different ways. Call (626) 812-5225, visit the office at 729 N. Azusa Ave, or visit 2TurnItOn. Services are generally turned on the following business day.
Transfer Service: You can transfer your service online with the Request To Transfer Service Form, available at the Azusa Light & Water website.
Close Account: To request your utility service to be turned off, complete the Request To Close Account Form, available at the Azusa Light & Water website.
About Azusa Light & Water
Azusa Light & Water provides electricity and water to the communities of Azusa, CA. Electricity is served within the city limits of Azusa, and water is served within the city limits of Azusa as well as in the surrounding communities of Covina, West Covina, Glendora and Irwindale. The utility was established in 1901, and today services approximately 16,500 electric customers and 23,000 water customers.
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