Making your Banco Popular credit card payment? If you own a credit card with Banco Popular and wish to make payment, this guide has you covered, and there is also an overview of the Cash Back card options for potential applicants.
Banco Popular Credit Card Payment
You can make payments to your credit account in a variety of ways with Banco Popular. You should always check your billing statements to understand your payment options, including mail payments.
You can gain information on your credit card accounts (such as your account balance) and make payments by calling the TeleBanco Popular phone service on 1-888-724-3659. This service is available 24/7.
Popular offer their own Internet Banking Service for credit card management, and this is definitely the option to choose if you want flexibility and fast payments. You can arrange single payments or establish automatic monthly payments. For more information, get in contact with Popular by visiting the website. To make your Banco Popular credit card payment online click the “Pay Online” button below to login or register.
Banco Popular Cash Back Credit Card
If you are searching for a new credit card in Puerto Rico, Popular Bank “Banco Popular” offers many different choices suited to different needs, including Privileges cards, Rewards cards, Secured cards and Cash Back cards. Cash back cards come with the Return cash back program, and there are MasterCard, American Express and Visa card variants. These are called NOVEL Dual Return Cards, which are actually two credit cards in one account. You can choose between Dual Visa cards, Amex/MasterCard cards or Amex/Visa cards.
Having two different types of card for the same account means you can make use of a wider range of features and options. There are a number of travel and service benefits such as Worldwide Car Rental Insurance, Travel Accident Insurance, Emergency Travel Insurance and Card Replacement, as well as 100% protection against fraud and customer and security services from the three different payment processors.
With these credit accounts you get a generous line of credit and no annual fee. In the first 6 months of account opening you get 2% cash back on all the purchases you make, and following this the normal cash back return is 1%. This is a simple program where you don’t have to worry how you spend – just spend like any other normal credit card and reap the benefits.
Banco Popular Credit Card Interest Rates and Fees
Banco Popular Cash Back credit cards come with a range of possible APRs, making themselves available for people good or excellent credit ratings. The APR for purchases and balance transfers ranges from 11.99% to 24.99%. Cash Advances have a higher minimum but the same maximum – 19.24% to 24.99%.
International transaction fees are 1% for Visa, 1.4% for MasterCard and 2% for American Express. Cash Advance and Balance Transfer fees are 2%. Returned payment fees are up to $10 and late payment fees are up to $35. With a penalty APR of 29.99%, it is important to keep on top of your payments. The due date for payments is a minimum of 25 days after the end of the previous billing cycle.
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