Need to make your Choice Financial Savings Bank credit card payment? It always helps to understand your credit card payment options with your provider, and if you have a card with Choice Financial Savings Bank you can learn about your payment options with the guide provided just below. If you are interested in applying for a Visa Rewards card with this bank, this guide also provides a card overview to help.
Choice Financial Credit Card Payment
Payments and card management are handled by Elan Financial Services. You have a number of options for paying your card bills and you should consult your billing statement or call the number provided below if you need more information.
The Choice Financial credit card payment address is: Cardmember Service, P.O. Box 790408, St. Louis, MO 63179-0408. You can also make a payment over the phone by calling 800-558-3424. This number is an account service number that also gives you other card management options.
Elan provides an online account service at Use your account details to register, after which you can make use of electronic statements and pay your bills. To make your Choice Financial Savings Bank credit card payment online click the “Pay Online” button below to login or register.
For more information regarding your contact options visit the Choice Financial Savings Bank website.
Visa Signature Bonus Rewards Card
There are many credit card options available with CFSB, and two of these options are rewards cards. The Visa Signature Bonus Rewards credit card is a useful little points earner with no limits and a long five year expiry time for each point you earn.
You get 1 point per dollar for anywhere that lets you pay with this Visa card, and as an added Bonus you get an extra 25% of the total points balance you earn each month. You also get $25 in cash back when you make your first purchase.
This is a flexible rewards program that offers many different redemption options, including cash back (for example, redeem 2,500 points for $25), gift cards, merchandise, travel, entertainment and more. 25,000 points gets you a round-trip airline ticket worth up to $325. This card also offers an introductory 0% on balance transfers and purchases for 6 months. This is not a huge length of time but still useful to save you money or initial purchases, or if you have a smaller balance to transfer from another card.
The Plus rewards card option offers a better rate of return on your purchases, though it does come with a $50 annual fee.
Interest Rates and Fees
With Annual Percentage Rates (APR) starting at 9.99% and ending at 20.99%, this card is available for people who have well-established credit histories. The APR for cash advances is higher at 23.99%. The minimum interest charge is $2. There is no annual fee. Late payment and returned payment fees are up to $35 depending on your balance. There is no over-limit fee.
Balance transfer fees and convenience check advance fees are 3%, standard cash advance fees and ATM advance fees are 4%, cash equivalent advance fees are 4% and foreign transaction fees are 2% in dollars and 3% in other currencies.
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