Making your Community Bank & Trust credit card payment? It can be difficult looking for a new credit card, but with the right information and advice your choices are made clear and you can make the most out of the card you choose. This guide offers all the information you need on the Community Bank & Trust Credit Card such as incentives and interest rates, and there is also a credit card bill payment guide at the beginning for existing cardholders.
How Do I Pay My Community Bank & Trust Credit Card?
You can pay your Community Bank & Trust credit card online, by phone, and by mail.
Pay Online: These credit cards are offered in conjunction with First Bankcard, who offer all cardholders an online account service where you can make bill payments, see your statements and manage your personal details. This is by far the most convenient way to make your payments, and you can even set up automatic monthly payments. To make your Community Bank & Trust credit card payment online click the “Login Here” button below to login or register.
Pay by Phone: The Community Bank and Trust credit card payment phone number is: 1-888-295-5540
Pay by Mail: The Community Bank and Trust credit card mailing address is: Bankcard Payment Processing, PO Box 2557, Omaha, NE 68103-2557.
Community Bank & Trust Credit Card
Community Bank & Trust is a local financial institution operating in Southwest Missouri and Southeast Kansas, and for over 100 years they have been serving local communities and the needs of their many customers. Aside from general banking services, they offer a range of credit cards including the Maximum Rewards Visa Card and the Platinum Edition Visa Card.
Maximum Rewards Visa Card
This a good card for everyday spending on everyday purchases, which gives you 1 point for every dollar you spend where the card is accepted, and 0% on purchases for the first 12 months. This is also a good card if you want to transfer a balance, with an introductory 0% APR for 12 months. Standard APR ranges from 13.99% to 19.99% depending on your credit history. Cash advance APR is 25.24%. You may incur a penalty APR of 29.99% if you do not keep in good standing with your payments. No annual fee.
Platinum Edition Visa Card
This is a simple credit card with no annual fee for those with good credit histories, which is similar to the Maximum Rewards Card, but in not giving you a point scheme, you get a lower potential APR. You get an introductory 0% on purchases and balance transfers for 12 months with this card, and the standard APR after this period will be 9.99%, 14.99% or 17.99% depending on your credit history. Cash advance APR is 25.24%. You may incur a penalty APR of 29.99% if you fail to keep in good standing.
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