Need to make a Factory Direct Appliance credit card payment? Check below for your payment options. Anyone looking for a new credit card for appliance, homewares and electronics purchases might be interest in the Factory Direct Appliance credit card. Our review will help you understand what it has to offer. To make a payment online or manage your account, follow the link provided below on this page to the Factory Direct finance login. You will also find useful bill pay information such as the credit card customer service number, payment mailing address, and billing phone number below.
Factory Direct Appliance Credit Card Payment
Factory Direct Appliance is part of the nationwide buying group BrandSource, and now with the BrandSource credit card, you can increase your purchasing power with Factory Direct Appliance as well as many other local appliance and electronics retailers in the United States. The BrandSource Credit Card is issued by Citi.
BrandSource credit card payments can be made with Citigroup’s online account service. You can pay your bill, see when your next payment is due, check your available credit, update your personal details and do much more with the Account Online. With AutoPay you can register to have payments deducted automatically from a chosen account each month. Head to the Sign-In page for more information or to register. To make your Factory Direct Appliance credit card payment online click the “Pay Online” button below to login, register, view your statement or manage your account online.
Pay by Phone: The Factory Direct finance payment phone number is 1-888-653-4320.
Pay by Mail: The Factory Direct Appliance finance payment mailing address is: Citibank/Choice, P.O. Box 183037, Columbus, OH 43218-3051. Please include your Factory Direct finance account number on your check. Your account number is located on your statement. To ensure your Factory Direct finance payment is received on time it is recommended that you mail your payment at least 5 business days prior to the due date shown on your monthly billing statement.
Pay in Store: No. At this time you cannot pay your Factory Direct finance payment in stores.
Factory Direct Finance Customer Service: The Factory Direct finance customer service number is 1-888-653-4320.
Factory Direct Appliance Finance
This no annual fee credit card has a number of benefits and incentives. As well as the general benefits that come with owning a line of credit, this credit card offers you $0 liability for fraudulent purchases, convenient online services for managing your card and various exclusive privileges at participating BrandSource retailers.
Factory Direct Appliance are currently offering 12 months financing for purchases when you spend over a certain amount, and they also offer specific financing promotions for specific products on an ongoing basis. With financing you can spread out the cost (you must make minimum payments) over a long period and benefit from paying no interest. You should check with this retailer to see which financing promotions are currently offered.
Non-promotional purchases come with an APR of 29.49%. This rate is not too bad if you do your best to keep a low balance, and thanks to financing promotions it is easy to avoid paying lots of money in interest. You can still avoid paying interest on non-promotional purchases by paying off the purchase in full by the due date, which is at least 25 days after the close of each billing cycle. The minimum interest charge for balances is $2. Fees for returned and late payments are up to $35. Financing promotions will default to the standard APR if you miss a payment or fail to pay off the purchase in full by the end of the financing period.
This card is good because it can be used at thousands of BrandSource retailers and offers a number of deferred interest promotions. The APR is quite high but this does make it available to a broad range of applicants.
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