Making your Fashion Bug credit card payment or need to login to view your statement or mange your account online? Interested in the Fashion Bug Credit Card but can’t make up your mind? Looking to know more about your credit card bill payment options? This guide covers everything you need to know about the Fashion Bug Credit Card, the store itself, credit card rewards and terms and conditions, and a section at the beginning to help cardholders make Fashion Bug Credit Card payments. To make a payment online or manage your account, follow the link provided below on this page to the Fashion Bug credit card login. You will also find useful bill pay information such as the credit card customer service number, payment mailing address, and billing phone number below.
How Do I Pay My Fashion Bug Credit Card?
You can pay your Fashion Bug credit card online, by phone, or by mail. The Fashion Bug credit card is issued by Comenity.
Pay Online: Comenity provides an online account service and flexible payment options for all Fashion Bug Credit Card customers. You are advised to setup an online account, as this allows you to manage your account, see your transaction history, make credit card payments and many other things. To make your Fashion Bug credit card payment online click the green “Login Here” button below to login, register, view your statement or manage your account online.
Pay by Phone: The Fashion Bug credit card payment phone number is 1-800-767-1309.
Pay by Mail: The Fashion Bug credit card payment mailing address is: Comenity, PO Box 182273, Columbus, OH 43218.
Pay in Store: Yes. You can make your Fashion Bug credit card payment in stores.
Fashion Bug Credit Card Customer Service: The Fashion Bug credit card customer service number is 1-800-767-1309. A complete page of help questions and answers to do with the Fashion Bug Credit Card can be found here.
Fashion Bug
Fashion Bug is one of a group of retail stores owned by Charming Shoppes and the largest brand owned, that specialize in providing high quality out-size fashionable clothing for women. Many customers are loyal to Fashion Bug for the diversity of clothing available, and the Fashion Bug credit card can help customers make savings and get even more affordability for their loyalty.
Fashion Bug Credit Card
This credit card is provided by Comenity just like many other store credit cards, and what you get from this thus quite similar to others in the store card market. It is stated that with this credit card you get exclusive savings opportunities and offers, and advance notice of upcoming sales events. There are few other rewards on top of these, and there is no point scheme or anything similar to build points up over time, so this card does not come with much incentive to spend frequently. It would however make a good card for infrequent purchases. Please note that a reward scheme used to be available, though they now make no mention of it on their website.
People who apply for the Fashion Bug Credit Card are usually successful if they have an average to good credit score, and the rate of interest you get is not the lowest, but competitive enough. Standard APR for purchases is 24.99%. Late payment and returned payment fee is $35.
Visit Fashion Bug.
I would like to pay my acct on line
Hello Victoria,
If you decide to make a Fashion Bug credit card payment online simply click here
Kindest regards,
where do i pay online if i decide that is what i want to do
Hello Pamela,
You may reset your Fashion Bug credit card payment password by clicking here. You may also contact customer service at 1-800-767-1309.
Kindest regards,
Lost website and password information to pay credit card. Can you forward it to my e-mail given above. Payment is due on 11/19. Thank you.
P.S. sorry about stores closing. Am 70 yrs old, modeled in one of your shows 2 years ago and love wearing Fashion Bug, jeans especially, size 10 to 12 Zanadi favorites.
Hello Wilma,
Thanks for the inquiry. To make a payment online simply click here to register your Fashion Bug account.
Kindest regards,