Need to make your Flooring Solutions credit card payment? Understand your payment options with our convenient guide just below. An independent guide to the Flooring Solutions Credit Card is also provided to help customers understand this card and what it has to offer.
Flooring Solutions Credit Card Payment
The Flooring Solutions Credit Card is offered in partnership with Wells Fargo, and this credit provider facilitates their customers with a range of payment options. The following options are not your only payment options; you can take your credit account details to your bank to arrange a transfer or use the Bill Pay service with any good online banking service.
You can take the traditional route and make a payment by mail – the payment mailing address is: Wells Fargo Card Services, P.O. Box 30086, Los Angeles, CA 90030-0086.
A faster way to pay is to use the Pay by Phone service. Call 1-800-869-3557 and follow the instructions to make a payment. Be aware that a fee applies every time you use the phone payment service.
If you don’t want to use the time-consuming mail service or the expensive telephone service, another option is to use the Wells Fargo online account service. This is a management service that you can use to manage and monitor your spending, and also an online payment service where you can arrange electronic transfers. To make your Flooring Solutions credit card payment online click the “Pay Online” button below to login or register.
Flooring Solutions Credit Card
Flooring is never a cheap purchase, and this is why there are many flooring retailers who offer their customers credit options. These credit options make flooring more affordable to the customer, and often offer a range of benefits including financing opportunities and exclusive savings and promotions.
The Flooring Solutions Credit Card offers you a revolving line of credit to use for the sales and fitting services of Flooring Solutions. This card is offered in partnership with Wells Fargo, and they offer highly competitive terms and conditions, no annual fee, low monthly minimum payments and an easy online account management service. No distinct features and benefits are advertised for this credit card, and this would make it a good idea to check with Flooring Solutions to see if any special offers are provided before you apply.
The Annual Percentage Rate for standard purchases is 27.99% (Prime Rate + 24.74%). This rate is fairly high though actually very reasonable when compared to other retail credit cards. Cash advances are also available at the same interest rate, which is something that many other retail cards do not provide.
The due date is at a minimum 23 days after the close of the previous billing cycle. If you are charged interest for an active balance, the charge will be $1 at a minimum. Fees for cash advances are the greater of $10 or 5% of the cash transfer amount. Late and returned payment fees are between $25 and $35; whichever is greater. You can apply for the Flooring Solutions through the Wells Fargo website.