Making your Fortunoff credit card payment or need to login to view your statement or manage your account online? Are you looking for a new credit card to help you build your credit rating and save money on purchases? The Fortunoff Credit Card is now available, and with this impartial guide you will be better informed to make the right decision. Here you can find all the information you need about Fortunoff, the history of the company, the credit card they offer, cardholder incentives, plus a guide to paying your credit card bills at the beginning of the guide. To make a payment online or manage your account, follow the link provided below on this page to the Fortunoff credit card login. You will also find useful bill pay information such as the credit card customer service number, payment mailing address, and billing phone number below.
How Do I Pay My Fortunoff Credit Card?
You can pay your Fortunoff bill online, by phone, and by mail.
Pay Online: Existing owners of the Fortunoff Credit Card can pay for their bills with Comenity Bank’s Online Account Center. This account makes it easy to manage your account, see your billing statements and make bill payments, either as a one-off payment or with automatic monthly payments for ultimate convenience. To make your Fortunoff credit card payment online click the “Login Here” button below to login, register, view your statement or manage your account online. The Fortunoff credit card is issued by Comenity Bank.
Pay by Phone: The Fortunoff credit card payment phone number is 1-888-292-5679.
Pay by Mail: The Fortunoff credit card payment mailing address is: Fortunoff Credit Card, P.O. Box 659705, San Antonio, TX, 78265-9705. To ensure your Fortunoff payment is received on time it is recommended that you mail your payment at least 5 business days prior to the due date shown on your monthly billing statement.
Pay in Store: No. At this time you cannot pay your Fortunoff credit card in stores.
Fortunoff Credit Card Payment: The Fortunoff credit card customer service number is 1-888-292-5679. You can get further assistance by going to the help and customer care page by clicking here.
Fortunoff Company History
Fortunoff is a jewelry, home patio and homeware brand that today has a unique approach to selling. Fortunoff began when the Fortunoff family opened their first store in Brooklyn in 1922. From the very beginning they were committed in providing the highest quality products and the best customer service, and for over 60 years the company steadily expanded to include over 15 stores across the US. Unfortunately, the company fell upon hard times in the recent economic crisis and were forced into liquidation in 2009. However, a new leaf has been turned with the Mayrock and Fortunoff families re-acquiring the brand and the IP of Fortunoff.
While all Fortunoff store locations have been closed, the company still operates a website for jewelry and home patio furniture, and the company is now starting to grow again. In 2010 the company opened seven Backyard Stores in New York and New Jersey and three more locations in 2011. They continue to sell high quality jewelry, including earrings, necklaces, rings and bracelets, jewelry for children and accessories, and top brands such as Jordan Scott, Judith Black, Lorenzo and Margo Morrison New York. They also continue to sell the best in outdoor patio furniture including aluminum, wicker and teak dining sets and chairs, charcoal, gas and electric grills, and all types of outdoor furnishings, covers and umbrellas. With a unique selling environment and a devotion to customer service this company is now one to watch for the future.
Fortunoff Credit Card
Before the economic downturn Fortunoff offered the Fortunoff Credit Card, which offered a range of benefits, rewards, and increased purchasing power. While people who applied for the credit card before the company’s liquidation can still use the card, the credit card is no longer on offer for new customers. There is a chance however that they will re-introduce a credit card at some point in the future.
Hello Marjorie,
What credit card are you wishing to pay? Fortunoff?
Kindest regards,
I have been trying to make a credit card payment and can’t find the right [place to make my payment,] could you please help or show me how to make this payment,
Thank You.
Marjorie Weintraub