Google has recently expanded their online/financial services to include the Google Wallet service, and if you are a frequent online spender then this service now allows you to cut out the headaches and pay across a range of online retailers with one single, convenient, and easy-to-use payment system, mainly thanks to the fact that it removes your previous need of signing in to each e-commerce site individually before you can make a payment.
It is definitely frustrating to own a heap of different online accounts with different merchants, especially if you do online spending frequently, and the threat of fraud and other security issues only ever increases when you leave your details with more and more of them. While convenience is what Google Wallet has been designed to enforce, the extra safety you get with consolidation your private financial information is a big bonus – as long as you keep your Google account safe of-course.
Google Wallet Login
You can find the registration link to the Google Wallet service here, which gives you more information about what this service can do for you. This is also the link to the Google Wallet login page. This page also gives a list of qualifying smart-phones and a link to download the application. To make your Google credit card payment online click the “Pay Online” button below to login or register.

Google Wallet Payment Convenience
With a centralized account you can enjoy only needing one online account or ‘checkout’ for all the online retailers that participate with Google’s new credit card payment service. This makes paying for your purchases significantly quicker, and this speedy method of payment is reflected in all the bricks-and-mortar participating retailers too with the PayPass tap and pay payment technology, requiring you only to simply swipe your smart-phone across a NFC terminal. Most of the latest smart-phones including Google and Android phones support wireless payments, and the new Nexus 7 tablet.
You might think that it would be risky to enable payment-by-phone and not payment by card and chip-and-pin, but Google Wallet has thorough safety protocols implemented, including the Google Wallet Pin and automatic encryption of all personal details stores on the account. The wireless payment application only works when you enter a 4 digit PIN, and so is technically just as safe to use at the terminal as a normal credit card, and if you think that it is not good to keep all your personal data for all of your credit cards stored remotely on a Google server, then you can always just keep one card stored, which would be no worse than having an account with an online merchant.
The only drawback to Google Wallet is lack in the number of retailers that are participating with the Google Wallet Scheme, which is currently lacking and has a lot of ground to cover if it is to be a truly convenient payment service. One of the biggest services allowing this wallet to be used for payment are Google’s own services, such as Google Play, and if you already prefer to use this than other competing content providers then the wallet scheme would be a natural choice.