Making your Haband credit card payment, or need to login to view your statement or manage your account online? If you are about to make an extension to your credit options with a store credit card, it helps to understand all the important information before you make a decision. The Haband Credit Card is now available and this guide covers what this credit card has to offer and how to make the most out of it. Read on for rewards, offers and other cardholder incentives, interest rates and fees, and information on how to make credit card bill payments. To make a payment online or manage your account, follow the link provided below on this page to the Haband credit card login. You will also find useful bill pay information such as the credit card customer service number, payment mailing address, and billing phone number below.
How Do I Pay My Haband Credit Card?
You can pay your Haband credit card online, by phone or by mail. The Haband credit card is issued by Comenity Bank.
Pay Online: The best thing is to use the Comenity Online Account Center login, which allows you to manage your credit account and make use of the many convenient bill payment options. Single payments can be made from a valid checking or savings account and automatic monthly payments can also be set up. All payments made before 6PM should be transferred by the same day. To make your Haband credit card payment online click the “Login Here” button below to login, register, view your statement or manage your account online.
Pay by Phone: The Haband credit card payment phone number is 1-866-482-4479. Please note, a fee may be charged to make your payment by phone.
Pay by Mail: The Haband credit card payment mailing address is: Haband Credit Card, P.O. Box 659707, San Antonio, TX 78265-9707.
To ensure your Haband payment is received on time it is recommended that you mail your payment at least 5 business days prior to the due date shown on your monthly billing statement.
Pay in Store: No. At this time you cannot pay your Haband credit card in stores.
Haband Credit Card Customer Service: The Haband credit card customer service number is 1-866-482-4479. Further bill payment information can be found here, and you can learn how to use the Online Account Center on the same website.
Haband Credit Card
With modest beginnings in 1925, Haband is recognized today as a leading online and mail order classic clothing retailer for men and women. On top of the reasonable prices you can expect with Haband, the Haband Credit Card provides you with plenty of offers and rewards. These include a welcome kit with numerous special offers covering many different product categories and special offers for the holidays, your birthday and the anniversary of you opening the account. The introductory offer includes a 10% savings certificate to use on whatever you like. There are also buy now, pay later incentives, and you gain exclusive access to inside deals via email. The card comes with a reasonable interest rate and no annual fee, and you can be comfortable with your purchases thanks to complete refund options and lifetime product guarantees.
Haband Credit Card Interest and Terms
The Haband Credit Card is issued by Comenity Bank, a company with over 20 million consumer credit accounts. The APR is 21.05% which is lower than most other Comenity store cards, but means that you will need a good credit rating to apply. A penalty APR of 29.99% may apply if sdasyou do not keep on good standing with your balance payments. There is no annual fee, late payment fees are up to $40 and returned payment fees are up to $40. The minimum interest charge is $1. You can avoid paying interest by paying your balance off within 25 days for each billing period. Full Haband Credit Card terms and conditions can be found on the company’s website.
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