Need to make your Jared credit card payment or looking to login to view your statement or manage your account online? If you own the Jared the Galleria of Jewelry credit card and need to make a balance payment, this guide has you covered. Below there is a payment guide with explains the available payment options with this credit card. Further down there is also a review of this credit card to help new customers understand how the card shapes up. To make a payment online or manage your account, follow the link provided below on this page to the Jared credit card login. You will also find useful bill pay information such as the credit card customer service number, payment mailing address, and billing phone number below.
Jared Credit Card Payment
With the Jared credit card you benefit from a number of different balance payment options.
Pay Online: Jared offers its own online card management service. This service gives you the same features and control that you get with any good online credit card management service. You can view your current account activity, check your balance, update your personal information and make online electronic bill payments. Single payments, scheduled and automatic monthly payments (up to 24 months) are supported with this service. Online payments made before 11PM ET will be credited to your account the same day. To make your Jared credit card payment online click the “Pay Online” button below to login, register, view your statement or manage your account online.
Pay by Phone: The Jared credit card payment phone number is 1-800-877-8194.
Pay by Mail: The Jared credit card payment mailing address is: Jared the Galleria of Jewelry, PO Box 740425, Cincinnati, OH 45274-0425. Please include your Jared account number on your check. Your account number is located on your statement. To ensure your Jared payment is received on time it is recommended that you mail your payment at least 5 business days prior to the due date shown on your monthly billing statement.
Pay in Store: No. At this time you cannot pay your Jared credit card in stores.
Jared Credit Card Customer Service: The Jared credit card customer service number is 1-800-877-8194.
Jared the Galleria of Jewelry Credit Card
As far as credit cards with jewelry retailers go, this is definitely one of the better ones. The card is issued by Jared and not by any bank or retail credit provider (which means better customer service), interest rates can be very low and there are lots of exclusive benefits and perks to owning the card. Whether you are loyal to Jared or not, if you need a new line of credit to fund general or specific jewelry purchases, this card is certainly worth considering.
This card offers you two major financing offers: The 12 month Diamond Plan and the 18 month Platinum Plan. The Diamond Plan is available if you spend at least $1,000, and the Platinum Plan is available if you spend at least $5,000. Both plans require a minimum down payment of 20%, and no interest is charged if you pay off the purchase in full within 12 months (Platinum follows with a further low 9.9% for any possible remaining time). Equal monthly payments are required.
If you do not keep in good standing while on a financing plan, the interest rate may default to your normal rate, and apply from the date you made the purchase. Unlike other providers however, this only comes into effect with Jared after you have been given appropriate notice.
The highest available APR for the Jared credit card is 24.99%. Lower interest rates are available in certain states. Depending on where you live and your creditworthiness, the APR for your card could be 21%, 18% or 5%. You can apply for this card online, and if approved you can instantly use the account to make an online purchase.