This guide is here to show you your bill payment options for the Kissimmee Utility Authority. Learn about your options and get your bill paid. Want to pay online? To make a payment online or manage your account, follow the link provided below on this page to the KUA bill pay login. You will also find useful bill pay information such as the customer service number, payment mailing address, and billing phone number below.
How Do I Pay My Kissimmee Utility Authority Bill?
You can pay your Kissimmee Utility Authority bill online, by phone, or by mail as shown below. There is a simple online payment service, and a range of other options to suit customers with different needs and preferences.
Pay My Bill Online: The Kissimmee Utility Authority provides an online bill payment service to its customers: KUA eBill. This service gives you a fast and simple way to keep on top of your utility bill payments. Follow the link provided here to log in, or register for the service. Additionally, if you do not want to sign up for this service, you can instead pay online with the single online payment service. To make your KUA bill payment online click the “Login Here” button below to login, register, view your bill or manage your account online.

Pay My Bill By Phone: The KUA billing phone number is: (407) 933-7777 or call toll free (877) 582-7700. KUA offers a convenient telephone payment service, available 24 hours a day. This service accepts checking payments and credit card payments.
Pay My Bill By Mail: The KUA bill payment mailing address is: Kissimmee Utility Authority 1701 W. Carroll St. Kissimmee, Florida 34741. Please include your KUA account number on your check. Your account number is located on your statement. To ensure your KUA payment is received on time it is recommended that you mail your payment at least 5 business days prior to the due date shown on your monthly billing statement.
Pay My Bill At Amscot: You can pay your Kissimmee Utility Authority bill at one of nine Amscot locations in Osceola County, and one of thirty two locations in Orange County. Amscot financial locations are open every day of the week, and certain locations are open 24 hours a day. These locations only accept cash payments, and there is a $1 transaction fee. Call 1-800-801-4444 to find your nearest Amscot location.
Pay My Bill In Person: You can make walk-in payments at the KUA Carroll St. Location (1701 W. Carroll St. in Kissimmee). The site is available for walk-in payments between 7AM – 6PM, excluding holidays, and there is also a payment deposit box for out-of-hours payments.
Opening & Closing Accounts
Open or Transfer Account: A new service or a transfer of service may be requested by completing the online form available at the KUA website, or you can visit the KUA main office at 1701 W. Carroll Street in Kissimmee. KUA provides a downloadable customer welcome pack online – this provides a detailed overview of options, rates and fees, as well as advice on saving energy.
Close Account: It is a simple process to close an existing service with KUA. Simply visit the “Termination for Request” page at the KUA website and enter your information.
Kissimmee Utility Authority Contact
The KUA customer service center is available weekdays 7AM – 6PM, and this includes the walk-in lobby and the call center. Emergency support is available around the clock.
Customer Service: (407) 933-9800, Toll-Free (877) 582-7700
Fax: (407) 933-1936
Online Contact: Visit the Contact page at the KUA website
About Kissimmee Utility Authority
Kissimmee Utility Authority is a full-service municipal utility provider offering water, power, sewer and refuse services to Osceola County, FL. The authority was founded in 1901, and today is the 6th largest utility of its type in the state. An overview of its energy services is available online, as well as news and tips for saving energy.
Visit Kissimmee Utility Authority on Facebook and Twitter.