Making your Mini Platinum Visa credit card payment? If you are a current or prospective Mini owner on the hunt for a new credit card, the MINI Platinum Visa Card offers a number of attractive features and incentives. To help you understand the card better and make up your mind, this guide covers all the benefits of this card, including the most important interest rates and fees information. Already own this card? Your payment options are provided with the included guide.
Mini Credit Card Payment
You can pay for your Mini Platinum Credit Card bills by phone, by mail or with the online Mini account service. Call 1-866-469-6464 for customer services to pay your bills and redeem your points. The mailing address to send payments to is: Mini Card Services, PO Box 30146, Tampa, FL 33631-3046.
You can manage all aspects of your Mini card, pay your bills, monitor your spending and see your points with the online account service. To make your Mini Platinum Visa credit card payment online click the “Pay Online” button below to login or register.
MINI Platinum Visa Credit Card
This credit card can be completely customized with an image of your Mini so you can impress your friends and family. Even if you car is customized with special parts, the exact model can be printed onto your card. Aside from the superficial benefits you get plenty of real benefits, including the Mini Motoring Points program, which gives you a point for every dollar you spend on general purchases, and two points for Mini purchases, gasoline, tolls, car washes and similar motoring purchases.
These points can be redeemed for Mini Dealership parts, new leases, car repairs and lots of other Mini purchases, making this card a great choice if you want to avoid costly replacements. This card is also a great choice if you are thinking about leasing a new Mini in the future, with up to $5,000 discounts on Mini leases, purchases and financing.
This card also offers extra help with large purchases with 0% APR on purchases for 6 months. Depending on what you want to get out of your card and how much money you have, other cards might be more suitable as this is a fairly short introductory period.
MINI Platinum Visa Credit Card Disclosures
This credit card is available for people with good or excellent credit scores. The APR for balance transfers and purchases ranges from 11.24% to 22.24%. The cash advance APR is higher at 23.24%, and if you miss a payment or have a payment returned your normal ARP might change to the penalty APR of 27.24%. The grace period is at least 22 days from the close of the last billing cycle – pay off your balance in this time to avoid paying interest for your balance. The minimum interest charge is $0.50. The card comes with no annual fee, and charges of up to $35 for late payments or returned payments.
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