Making your Petland credit card payment? Are you thinking about applying for a new store credit card? If you are an animal lover then the Petland Credit Card could be just the card you are looking for, and the following information and advice will help you understand what this card has to offer and how to make the most out of it. Rewards, incentives and terms and conditions are included, as well as a Petland Credit Card payment guide at the beginning.
How Do I Pay My Petland Credit Card?
You can pay for your credit card bills by going to any Petland store and paying at the customer service desk, or directly with Comenity Bank. Comenity let you pay via mail by returning a check or order in the envelope you receive with your billing statement, or you can pay over the phone. The easiest way to make payments is to set up an online account, which also lets you manage your account and see your payment history. You can arrange single transfers from a bank of your choice, or you can set up recurring payments for total convenience.
Pay Online: You can login to the online account which also contains information for paying by phone or by mail. To make your Petland credit card payment online click the “Login Here” button below to login or register.
Pay by Phone: The Petland credit card payment phone number is: 1-866-499-4761
Pay by Mail: The Petland credit card payment mailing address is: Comenity Capital Bank PO Box 182620 Columbus, OH 43218.
Pay in Store: You can make a payment at any Petland location.
For help and more information the number to call is 1-866-499-4761. You can also find a guide to paying your bills on the Comenity help question page.
Petland Credit Card
Petland is a large animal retail franchise with stores across the US, Canada, Mexico and many other countries, selling products and services for all animals to keep your pets healthy and happy. They are well known for matching the right pets with the right owners, and offer lots of useful services, information and training and community awareness to promote the welfare of pets.
The Petland Credit Card is a store credit card which provides a good range of discounts and other incentives to increase your purchasing power. If you are loyal to Petland and make frequent purchases then this credit card then you can acquire 20% discount. You get this discount if you make 5 purchases of over $50 in a 12 month period. So if you make a big purchase every few months you can capitalize on this discount. You also get exclusive discounts on Petland branded products and further offers on selected products and services 4 times a year.
Petland Credit Card Interest and Terms
The Annual Percentage Rate for this credit card is 29.99%. This credit card is issued by Comenity Bank, whose APRs for other store-cards range between 19.99% and 29.99%, putting this card on one of the highest interest levels they provide. This means that credit card acceptance levels are high, but efforts should be made to keep the balance low. The minimum interest charge is $2, there is no annual fee, and charges for late/returned payments are up to $40. Interest on purchases can be avoided by paying the balance in full before the due date each month. Full terms and conditions can be found on the company’s website.