Need to make a bill payment for your Sewing Machines Plus Credit Card? Learn how to pay down your credit card balance with this card. To make a payment online, follow the link given here to the Sewing Machines Plus Credit Card login.
Sewing Machines Plus Credit Card Payment
The Sewing Machines Plus Credit Card is issued by Synchrony Financial Retail Finance. In addition to making payments from your bank, you can arrange payments with a number of services provided by Synchrony Financial.
Online Payments: If you want the easiest and fastest way to keep tabs on your account and pay your balance, then you should register for the Synchrony Financial online service. In terms of general account management, you can monitor you purchases and balance with account overviews and online statements, as well as check when your payments are due. Three payment services are available, so you can pick the one that is best for your circumstances. To make your Sewing Machines Plus credit card payment online click the “Pay Online” button below to login or register.
Mail Payments: The Sewing Machines Plus Credit Card payment address is: Synchrony Financial, PO BOX 960061, Orlando, FL 32896-0061. To avoid late payment fees (up to $35), make sure you leave lots of time for your payment to arrive and be posted to your account.
Phone Payments: Synchrony Financial also offers a telephone payment service. Call 1-866-419-4096. Have your account number ready. Be aware that there may be a fee involved with the telephone payment service.
Sewing Machines Plus Credit Card
Sewing machines are great, but they can be very expensive! You can rely on your existing lines of credit to purchase a new sewing machine, but there are private label credit cards available with a number of sewing machine manufacturers and retailers. These are advantageous because they free up you main lines of credit for when you really need to use them, and thought they usually come with higher APRs, in many cases there is promotional financing available that let you finance your purchase without paying anything in interest.
The Sewing Machines Plus Credit Card on such private label credit card. Issued by Synchrony Financial, who are one of the most consumer retail credit providers in the United States, this card comes with 0% financing on many different Sewing Machine Plus products, including sewing machines, industrial machines, supplies and quilting machines. There are no specific financing offers advertized at the Sewing Machines Plus site; you must call them at 800-401-8151 for more information on financing opportunities.
Interest Rates and Fees
The standard APR on non-promotional purchases is 29.99%. You can still avoid paying interest on non-promotional purchases, as long as you pay off the purchase completely within the same grace period that you made the purchase. For the Sewing Machines Plus Credit Card, the grace period is a minimum of 23 days after the close of the previous billing cycle. The minimum interest charge on active balances is $2. If you make a late payment or have a payment returned, fees up to $35 will apply.